Tuesday 16 December 2008

Fully Developed ideas and Overview of Sequence

The decision we have made is to film the opening sequence in Foxhill Bank Forest (Images in previous post). This area reflects our genre and plot line of the sequence. The ideal age group would be 16 - 30. This is due to the connotations to young people and teenagers, also the genre being a teen slasher. The film will stand out to both genders.
The opening sequence will be filmed to fit in with the defined elements of the genre 'teen slasher horror'. This means we will be using low key lighting and low key angles within filming. We will also be building a protagonist or 'bad character' through enigmas, these will be created with effect of extreme close ups. And hence making the character seem more psychotic. Our propps include:
*A Knife
*Fake blood
*Yearbook photos
*A newspaper article
All of these together help to create the mise en scene.

Overview of Sequence
The opening sequence is introduced with a sadistic fast paced montage of images such as newspaper articles and yearbook photos of teenage girls intermixed with images of bloody limbs.
The montage then ends and the audience is introduced to the first character, who is for a mysterious reason walking through the forest, looking relatively nervous and 'on edge'. The character then realises she is being followed. ( The audience already know this due to a series of extreme close ups on a seemingly sadistic looking mans face and a series of hand held shots from behind the trees to create and effect which resembles someone being stalked) The teenage character then sees this man in full (however the audience does not) and begins to run. Resulting in her falling over and ultimately her demise ( This part is not shot so the audience can visualise what is happening for themselves. The scene then cuts straight into the title of the film, and then subsequently ends creating a 'cliffhanger' effect (this makes the audience inclined to carry on watching).

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